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Pempro Serial Number

카테고리 없음

by churchvehydka1972 2020. 2. 26. 13:41


  1. Serial Number Lookup

PEMPro provides you with all the tools you need to get the most of your telescope mount to provide the best tracking and guiding possible.-Periodic Error CorrectionPEMPro willanalyze the performance of any mount that is equipped with a CCDcamera or Webcam. No more exportinglog files and Excel spreadsheets. PEMPro will reveal your mountsperformance in real time regardless of seeing conditions.PEMPro gives you powerful tools toprogram your mounts periodic error correction firmware toachieve the best possible performance for your mount. PEMProdramatically improves guided and unguided imaging resulting inbetter images and fewer lost exposures. Acquires performance in real-time over multiple wormcycles. Analyzes the collected data to define mount performance. Creates a smoothed, fitted correction curve.

Programs your mounts periodic error correction firmware. Allows simple comparison of before and after results. Provides advanced refinements to further fine tune yourmounts performance.PEMPro supports any mount that supports permanent periodicerror correction. In addition, PEMPro provides specializedsupport for the following mounts: Paramount MEAstro-PhysicsLosmandy Gemini L4Mountain InstrumentsMathis InstrumentsMeade RCX400Meade LX200 GPSMeade LX200 ClassicCelestron CGEVixenFor a complete list of supported mounts,.To see actual results from real users,.Polar Alignment WizardThe Polar Alignment wizard is quick and simple requiring only a few minutes to align your mount making it perfect for portable setups that must be aligned each night.PEMPro uses the polar drift alignment method to help you achieve good polar alignment.

This method, although very accurate, has a reputation of being difficult. PEMPro takes the tedium out of this method.

Pempro serial number generator

Serial Number Lookup

Although you can use this wizard if you do not have a GOTO mount, if you have a GOTO mount PEMPro can make Polar Alignment less painlful.Polar Alignment is done with the CCD Cameraor Web Cam in real-time allowing you adjust your mount to arc-second accuracy.